Since Gabriel and I just moved into our first house this year we have run up against a problem we never had before: how to furnish a place that is really ours! We want to be eco-friendly of course, so choosing vintage pieces seemed natural. The house was built in the early 70's, but it has a sort of "Atomic Ranch" feel so we decided to go with that era and aesthetic. So here, for your viewing pleasure, is our first find, a beautiful Danish modern chair in mint vintage condition! It was built in the late 50's or early 60's and still has the original upholstery. And it really is Danish, having only arrived in this country a few weeks ago.
We were instantly in love with it, but a question remained.
Would our house mates approve?
Fortunately, the answer is yes. Cooper Cat has adopted the new/old chair as his favorite lounging spot, leaving us free to begin searching for a matching side table...