And so, with out further preamble, here's what we have coming up.
First, Kinski #3 by Gabriel Hardman is out today! You can find it here. You can also pick up the first two issues from the same link, or even subscribe. This issue marks the halfway point, so don't miss out! How far will Joe go to save the not-quite-stray dog Kinski? Far enough that even good-natured Frank is unhappy, judging by the cover. Hop over to Gabriel's blog to see some preview pages.
It seems impossible, but New York Comic Con is just three weeks away now. Gabriel and I will be sharing a table in Artist Alley again this year, and Gabriel is already taking sketch requests. Want to get on the list? Email Gabriel ( soon! He's still got a couple of openings. Here's a breakdown of his prices:
$125 for 1 character 9x12 inked
$250 for 2 characters 9x12 inked
$60 for headshot 9x12 inked.
And here's a recent example of what you'll get:
If seeing Batman fight Gorilla Grodd reminds you that you'd like to read more books about apes, never fear! We've got you covered there too.