Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday featuring a Very Large Slug


  1. Wow. Beautiful. Look at that pattern along the underside, too. It looks like some relation to our banana slugs. I think I prefer it to the garden kind that get squishy when you play in them (as a child, not so much now :)

  2. Slugs are facinating, although they might be a little slimy. Ever try to wash off the slime trail they leave on your hand/fingers? I heard they can vravel down a razor blade without getting cut by laying down that slime. Anyway, I don't find they as creepy as some spiders or insects. And some are just plain beautiful!

  3. eek! The photo is very cool, but it still gives me the creeps little.

    Thanks for visiting my way ~ Maureen

  4. I suddenly have a craving for licorice.


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