Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday featuring a Geriatric Meerkat


  1. Great photo! I know non-bloggers who read your blog all the time. Do you know how many hits you get from them? If not, there may be many more than you know.

  2. Oh my! I have never seen one this large! How much do you think he weighs?!
    I watched this Meerkat documentary with a family of them. The little one, Ginger got left behind and eaten :( I cried the rest of the night.

    Very cool post!

  3. What a cutie. And yes, you do need to come to Oregon!

  4. Oh, meerkats are one of my favorites - love this!

  5. S/he's gorgeous - roughly how old is geriatric for a meerkat?

  6. Thanks! I'm not sure how much he weighs... But as to age, anything past 10 is pretty old. I think the record for a captive meerkat is 15, but this guy is around 12 if I'm not mistaken.

  7. By the way, this guy is from one of the mobs (that's a meerkat group to you and me) at the L.A. Zoo.


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